Saturday, January 05, 2013

All right I'll say it...

What the fuck is with this idle no more movement blocking the transportation routes of the hard working citizens of a country, the same citizens being screwed by a Government that this protest is apparently targeting?  I think it's pretty clear that this Government answers to corporate interests with little regard for the well being of the future of it's citizens, so i ask why trouble the citizens?

Now I'm not denying the  injustice that spawned the movement, but rather questioning the method.  Idle no more, so go out and block traffic so that thousands of cars and trains are shut down to idle in the transportation routes.  Perhaps they should call it the "idle more" movement.  This way we can inconvenience each other and spew more pollution... maybe we can have some fights, block some doctors from getting to hospitals, teachers getting to schools.  Maybe some people trying to keep their heads above financial water might be late to work and have to fill out forms explaing why they are late and be docked pay for time off work, or at least have the opportunity for a long drawn out fight to prove it wasn't their fault.  Oh you had to give birth in the back of a car, and you had some complications... well you see we had to block the road to prove our point that the Government leaders should give a shit.

Why not clog the Government headquarters, or the industry headquarters that the Government cares about?  Probably because you will be maced, beaten, perhaps shot... is that it?

That it has come to this is bizarre at best...  So the PM meets with an Aboriginal leader on a hunger strike for a photo op, pretends to listen, makes some promises and then goes back to business as usual, because we know that is what is going to happen right.

If anything this could be a grand opportunity to slip a few more legislative maneuvers through while people are distracted.  It appears to me that an affective tactic for indifferent Governments to deal with movements like this are to let them swell the the point where the nusanse of their existence begins to tip the scales the the point where public opinion turns against the movement itself as people forget what it is all about and only see the nusance.  Was Wall street punished as a result of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement?  Or were the camps just eventually removed on court order?

If you get treated unfairly by your employer to you go and punch a co-worker to teach your employer a lesson?  It's like the new blueprint for losing a protest movement... and of course there are always plenty of radicals to join every protest... maybe they can go fuck some shit and be heard.

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